Monday, October 25, 2010

Hello World!!!

Hello World!!!
I thought I'd start a blog so you all could follow my progress on my upcoming EP, due sometime in January. Currently, I'm just finishing up writing the songs for it. I just had a meeting today with the producer and sound engineer about the project. Once I get the down payment out of the way, I'll be on my way to pre-production and recording!
I'm so excited. I feel like this is totally a dream come true, but I'm so terrified at the same time because I'm not naive to the difficulties that the music industry presents. We all hear how hard it is to break into it and how expensive it is. I was going over costs today...and am still not entirely sure how I'm going to fund the whole thing. I have a lot of support though, so I'm not going to worry too much about it at this point.

The point of this blog and my whole career is that I'd love for this to be a journey you and I can take together.
I hope to share my experiences with you and that we can be on the same page the whole way. I'm very relational and would love to respond to any questions, concerns, suggestions...or just anything you may bring up! I will do my best to return any inquiries as soon as possible.
Thanks for your interest and please continue to stop by, as I will be updating often!

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